Aitor Ameztegui

Main researcher

I am interested in understanding how the interactions between human activity and environmental changes determine forest functioning and dynamics.

Pere Gelabert

Postdoctoral researcher

My reaserch focuses on analyzing the spatial patterns of forest dynamics using remote sensing technologies

Ana Lucía Méndez

PhD Candidate

My reaserch is focused on understanding the interaction between competition, climate change and management on post-fire regeneration; as well as the ecosystem service trade-offs forests will have to face in the future.

Miguel Ángel Blanco

PhD Candidate

I am interested in forest dynamics, in particular on natural disturbances in a context of climate change and how they are influenced by different factors (land use, forest management and species composition)

Martí Perpinyà

PhD Candidate

I will be pursuing my Industrial PhD between Lobelia Earth and Universitat de Lleida to develop forest monitoring strategies from Earth Observation and Artificial Intelligence.

Gil Torné

Research Professional

Forest Technical Engineer and currently studying a MSc in Forest Engineering, I am interested in forest dynamics, especially post-fire effects in Mediterranean forests.

Anna Fontova

Research Professional

My interests are focused on forest dynamics, modelling and statistical analysis.

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